WordPress Website Design.

We take WordPress development to a whole new level.


Websites created


years of experience


Hours of work

Flexibility x Reliability
WordPress powers over 30% of the websites available on the internet today.

A decision made easy — our advantages

Our expert WordPress developers combine precision development with conversion-based design, delivering customized WordPress solutions that meet a businesses needs.


With a 2.8 second average load time; our WordPress sites are fast, very fast


With performance in mind, all our sites are SEO enabled and optimized.


ParkiaPay website time to interactive: 0.9 seconds


ParkiaPay project completion from start to end: 4 days

Assigned role: WordPress website Design and Development. Designed and developed the new ParkiaPay website in 4 days. This included integrating and translating 15 languages. The entire site was built with minimal code, while using WPBakery as the frontend page builder on WordPress.

One CMS,
multiple solutions

Solution #1

Design only

We use Figma or Adobe Xd to create beautiful website or landing page designs.

Solution #2

Design and development (low-code)

We use a frontend page builder coupled with minimal code to design and develop your entire WordPress website.

Solution #3

Design and development (custom build)

We create custom WordPress themes and implement your designs using code only for a fully tailored website building solution.

Real clients, proven results

5 star rating for SEO services

"Sebastijan was able to quickly understand the goal of his task and by him self take our site from good to great. I can recommend anyone who needs a Wordpress site to use Sebstian, both for design and coding."

Henrik Magnusson from ParkiaPay
Client smiliing from positive SEO results from our companies services
5 star rating for SEO services

"Sebastijan Consistently delivers a high standard of work and goes above and beyond to ensure our team was happy with the final website! Great customer service and overall good experience."

Lashley Mooi from Altron Security
5 star rating for SEO services

"Completed all the criteria I asked and went above and beyond. Very competent in all things Wordpress - and will definitely be working with Capitalize again in the future. Thank you so much!"

Damian Barbu from Boost Collective
5 star rating for SEO services

"It has been a pleasure working with Capitalize. They are a professional team who are super organised and very responsive to queries and requests. They’ve been incredibly committed to our project and the turn-around time has been fantastic."

Joanne von Maltitz from 1Stream
5 star rating for SEO services

"They were not limited to the scope and went beyond adding more where possible. In fact, what we created cannot be called a website but it's rather an online retail shop where you can be a member, make online payments, track your orders with shipping integration, earn loyalty points, connect through telegram and WhatsApp etc."

Numan Tufekci from Lu Herb
Altron Logo: A SEO Client

Our clients love the work we do, start your WordPress journey with Capitalize Digital today.

Let's get started

work together

We are the only team you will ever need. Get in touch and let's bring your big idea to life.

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What is WordPress website design?
Designing a website with WordPress involves selecting and customizing themes, using plugins, creating content, ensuring website responsiveness, and optimizing user experience. WordPress blends visual aesthetics with functionality.
Why should I hire a WordPress website designer?
A WordPress website designer, designs and develops custom sites that meet the online standards for appearance, speed, and functionality.
What are WordPress design services?
WordPress design services include designing layouts, templates and interfaces for a website. These services help to make your website a visually appealing, easy to navigate, and on-brand.
How many days does it take to design and build a WordPress site?
The duration depends on the size and nature of the website. For instance, the ParkiaPay project was executed by Capitalize in 4 days including the design, development and multi-language integration.
What WordPress website design solutions do we offer?
<ul style="list-style: none; display: inline-block;"><li>Graphic design exclusively,</li><li>Graphic design and development,</li><li>Complete custom build using code.</li></ul>
Why is WordPress the chosen software for website development?
WordPress supports more than 30% of all the websites in the world. It is flexible and easily extendible with a large number of free plugins supported by a big online community.
What is the advantage of using minimal code in WordPress?
Less code requires less time to load and fix in case of a problem. It guarantees your website gives the best performance without complicated features.
What is the relationship between Website development and SEO?
Web development is building a website and SEO displays your site on the Search Engine Results Pages for a given query. If your website is poorly built and doesn’t load correctly then the SEO of your site will be negatively impacted
What is the difference between low code and custom WordPress development?
Low-code development is utilising fast-deploying frontend tools such as WPBakery where little custom code is necessary. Custom WordPress development is building new themes and features from scratch using HTML, Javascript and CCS.
Do you offer WordPress updating and website maintenance services?
Yes, we offer affordable maintenance and updates to ensure that your WordPress website is secure and up to date with the latest web standards.
Do you offer custom WordPress themes?
Yes, we offer custom WordPress theme development as part of our WordPress website design and development services, ensuring your site has a unique look and feel that aligns with your brand.
How many seconds should your WordPress websites take to load?
The average load time is 2 for our WordPress websites.
Can you design multilingual WordPress sites?
WP translation is possible and can be used to develop WordPress websites for translation in the local languages of most countries around the world. For example,when building the ParkiaPay website, we incorporated 15 languages to cater for their global market.
What tools do we use for web development?
Such designs and tools we practice include but are not limited to Figma and Adobe XD for designs, and WPBakery for low-code. For new builds, we use hand-coded solutions to keep the level of customisation steaming and precise.
How does WordPress web design affect user experience?
Effective WordPress web design enhances user experience by creating intuitive navigation, responsive layouts, and fast load times, all of which contribute to higher user satisfaction and engagement.
How much does it cost to build a custom WordPress site?
The price of our WordPress Website Design service is difficult to guess since it depends on the project’s characteristics. Our rates are affordable based on current market rates with a focus on giving our clients the best value.
How do you ensure the security of WordPress websites?
We ensure the security of WordPress websites by implementing the latest security practices, including regular updates, secure coding practices, and the integration of trusted security plugins.